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Documents that make end-of-life decisions easier for loved ones

On Behalf of | Apr 23, 2021 | Firm News

Creating a North Carolina estate plan can help ensure your assets go to the beneficiaries you choose in the way that you prefer It is also the best place to state your requirements for end-of-life care.

According to the North Carolina Secretary of State, advance health care directives enable you to give written instructions about your health care in the future if you become incapacitated. There are several types of advance directives and each covers different situations that may arise. The two most common are a living will and durable power of attorney.

Living will

This document is for end-of-life decisions if you are terminally ill or permanently unconscious. It addresses the type of medical treatments you do and do not want under these conditions. A living will can address life-prolonging procedures, such as tube feeding, life support and dialysis. You may include do not resuscitate orders which instruct health care providers not to use CPR if your heartbeat or breathing stops.

Durable power of attorney

Also known as medical power of attorney, the person you appoint makes health care decisions when you cannot. It informs medical decisions and allows them to become your advocate. Your doctor must certify that you cannot make your own decisions before your proxy can step in on your behalf. The person you name should know you well and be someone you trust to carry out your wishes.

A comprehensive estate plan can not only minimize probate costs and ensure your loved ones receive your assets per your wishes, but it can ensure the medical steps taken at the end of your life are too.