Properties For Sale
Duplin County Tax Foreclosure Sale:
No Listings at this time.
Onslow County Tax Foreclosure Sales:
No Listings at this time.
Conflict of Interest Disclaimer
Please note that as counsel for the unit of local government bringing the foreclosure action about which you are inquiring, Mewborn & DeSelms, Attorneys at Law, cannot advise you regarding this matter. For all questions regarding the legal effect of the tax foreclosure action, including but not limited to the condition of the title of the parcel being sold and the procedure for the sale, please refer to the Notice of Sale published and posted in regard to the parcel in which you are interested and seek your own counsel.
Disclaimer of Warranties
Properties are sold without any warranties. Specifically, disclaimed are any and all warranties as to title and habitability. These properties are sold as is, without opinion as to title or any other matter.
When we have properties for sale, persons wishing to bid on property located in one of the units of local government that we serve may check the bulletin board of the county courthouse or you may review the legal section of the classified advertisements.
In addition to posting and publishing the notices of sale at the courthouse and in the newspaper we may also post notices on this web-site. You may access them if you agree to the terms of sale set forth on this page by clicking "I Understand" below.
Please note that a cash deposit or certified deposit of 20% of the highest bid is required immediately upon conclusion of the sale at the courthouse. In addition, the successful bidder will be required to pay the balance of the purchase price, as well as the recording fees and revenue stamps assessed by the County Register of Deeds, before the sale is confirmed.