Have You Received A Ticket For Driving With A Suspended License?
Motorists who receive a certain number of points against their license, or who are charged with serious traffic offenses may see their drivers’ licenses revoked or suspended. This means that they are not allowed to drive on North Carolina roadways until they have complied with the specific requirements set in place in order to have their licenses reinstated.
Unfortunately, there are situations where some drivers continue to operate their vehicles without having a valid license. In some cases, motorists may not even be aware of the suspension, and only find out when pulled over by police. If issued a ticket for driving with a suspended or revoked license, know that you are facing a very serious traffic offense and you need the help of an experienced attorney.
At Mewborn & DeSelms, Attorneys at Law, in Jacksonville, our attorneys can help you defend against all types of traffic tickets. Whether you need to contest the license suspension or need to address previous tickets that resulted in the suspension, we are here to help.
Understanding Your Rights
If you receive a ticket for driving while license suspended or revoked, there are specific penalties that could potentially apply in your case. These penalties include high fines and an even longer suspension of your license.
Our lawyers know how much you need your license. We work with you to understand the specifics of your situation, and take steps to address the various issues present in your case. With extensive courtroom experience fighting traffic tickets, we know how to help you potentially reduce the harsh penalties that accompany a driving with a license suspended or revoked charge.
Talk To An Experienced Traffic Tickets Lawyer Today
To get more information about the specific penalties that may apply in your case, and what we can do to help you minimize these potential consequences, call our office at 910-225-4179 or send us an email.