Starting Your Business The Right Way
When starting a new business, many entrepreneurs often focus on what sort of service or good their company will provide. They spend a lot of time on putting their ideas into motion so that they can take full advantage of opportunities in the marketplace. When it comes to the legal formation of their new business entity, they are often unaware of what they need to do to make sure they are protected from potentially adverse events.
At Mewborn & DeSelms, Attorneys at Law, in Jacksonville, our attorneys help business owners determine the right steps to take when forming a new company. We review your business plan, and discuss the specific options available with you, allowing you to have detailed information about the various advantages that come with each type of entity.
What Is Best For Your Situation
Under North Carolina law, there are several different types of business entities that are available to those looking to start a new company. These include:
- Limited liability companies (LLCs)
- Limited liability partnerships (LLPs)
- Corporations, including C-corporations and S-corporations
- Family-owned or closely held businesses
- Sole proprietorship
Each of these options has unique aspects that apply to those who own the company. We explain how this would apply to you, and what would best accomplish your specific goals. We will also help with any necessary business licenses. Our lawyers understand the various liability aspects that attach to each business type, and will help you set up a plan that allows you to protect what is important to you.
Schedule Your Consultation
If you would like to learn more about what we can do to help with your business startup, we invite you to contact us by calling 910-225-4179 or by sending us an email to arrange a time that works for you.